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German Language Courses

for Erasmus and other Exchange Students

Erasmus and other exchange students at the University of Cologne are offered the chance to participate in one free German language course per semester by the Department of German as a Foreign Language (DaF):

  • Pre-semester course in September or March (online): four-week intensive course with an amount of 20 hours per week (9 ECTS) or
  • In-semester course: language course with an amount of 6 hours per week during the semester (9 ECTS)

Students, who wish to take both courses (pre-semester course and in-semester course) in one semester, will be charged a course fee of 250€ for the second course.

Nominated Erasmus/ exchange students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities will receive an e-mail from the Center for International Relations (philfak-incomings(at) with a link to online registration in July (for the fall/winter courses) or January (for the spring/summer courses).

Foreign Language Teaching Assistants and enrolled Master's or Doctoral students interested in taking a German language course please directly refer to the German as a Foreign Language Department (DaF) for registration.